It's time to take an Elevate outing! Strap on your hiking shoes, pack your lunch, and come ready to have an awesome day in nature! We are headed to Cleo's Bath in the beautiful Pinecrest area. Cleo's Bath Trail is a 6.5 mile lightly trafficked loop trail that features a waterfall and is rated as moderate difficulty. This is not a guided hike - Kaycie Hall (Elevate owner & instructor) just wants to get out and have a good time with the community. Please provide your own food, water, and anything else you will want for the trip. Let's keep this an intimate group - we hope to have many outings in the future, so we've limited the space per each trip for now.
**Space limited to 8 people**
We are currently in search of some amazing outdoor adventures, and strive to infuse yoga with our love for exploration and nature. These trips are currently free as we scout the best places to do just that (think day retreats & adventures)!! COMING SOON!
Once everyone is signed up, we will privately arrange transportation & carpooling. Let's Elevate!
Suggested Donation Price: Free (still must reserve spot in advance)
With: Kaycie Hall