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Pop Up Gentle Core Yoga Class with Ann Lewis

Yoga is for every type of body, but not every type of yoga is right for everyone. A gentle yoga practice offers the time and opportunity to stretch, strengthen, relax and renew. We will focus on increasing flexibility, balance, and core strength. This type of yoga is called Gentle because a minimal amount of pressure is applied to wrists, shoulders and knees, making it accessible to many people. However, this does not mean the class is easy! A good deal of the class is done either seated or stretched out on the yoga mat, and by staying on our backs, we are able to support our spines and work our core muscles deeply and efficiently. Be prepared to sweat!

Gentle Core would be appropriate for beginners, seniors, someone recovering from an injury, as a compliment to a vinyasa practice and everyone in between!

With: Ann Lewis

This counts as a regular class: Drop in $13, Class Packages: counts as 1 class, Members: free

No need to sign up in advance - just pop in!