Interested in becoming a certified yoga instructor? Wanting to deepen your understanding of yoga? Needing a life transformation? There are many reasons why you might be looking into teacher training - all of which you can attain in our yoga teacher training program. What are the need to knows?

WHEN: Our next teacher training will start August 2022. It consists of 10 total in person training weekends, 10 online Sunday afternoons broken up into 3 separate modules plus an in person graduation weekend. This is the first time we are offering this new structure and we are extending it out to make it as accessible for you as possible! We will meet in person about 1 weekend a month (depending on the month) and online 1 Sunday afternoon a month - to keep you engaged every couple weeks or so. This will allow you plenty of time to absorb the information, practice and maintain balance in your life while still diving deep into your education. Read up on the full details below.


  • Friday 5:30-8:30pm (3 hours)

  • Saturday 10:30-5:30pm (6.5 hours) - 30 minute lunch

  • Sunday 10:30-5:30pm (6.5 hours) - 30 minute lunch

ONLINE TRAINING HOURS: 5 hours each session

  • Sunday 12-5pm (5 hours)


  • 16 hour weekends x 10 weekends = 160 in person hours


  • 5 hour sessions x 8 Sundays = 40 online hours

40 online hours + 160 in person hours = 200 total teacher training hours

Future Modules or Graduation Weekend dates will be posted along the way. Stay tuned


  • MODULE 1: Meditation, Breath, Grounding & Warm Up Postures & Sun Salutations

    • Weekend 1: August 5th-7th 2022

    • Online: August 28th 2022

    • Weekend 2: September 9th-11th 2022

    • Online: September 25th 2022

    • Weekend 3: October 7th-9th 2022

    • Online: October 23rd 2022

  • MODULE 2: Standing Postures, Flow Building & Assisting

    • Weekend 4: November 4th-6th 2022

    • Online: November 20th 2022

    • Weekend 5: December 2nd-4th 2022

    • Online: December 18th 2022

    • Weekend 6: January 6th-8th 2023

    • Online: January 29th 2023

  • MODULE 3: Arm Balancing, Inversions, Cool Down Postures & Subtle Body

    • Weekend 7: February 3rd-5th 2023

    • Online: February 19th 2023

    • Weekend 8: March 3rd-5th 2023

    • Online: March 19th 2023 (only 2 online classes this module)

    • Weekend 9: March 31st-April 2nd 2023


    • Weekend 10: April 28th-30th 2023


  • Start with Module 1 and continuing in order until all weekends are completed OR you can pace them out over time (if space allows) as long as they are taken in order. We recommend taking them all back to back to maintain engagement and connection with your fellow trainees. All 3 modules and graduation weekend (a total of 10 training weekends & online classes) must be completed in order to receive your 200 hour certification.

  • Sign up for all 3 modules at once or 1 at a time until you’re ready for your graduation weekend! We will continue to post future scheduled Module and graduation dates as we get going so stay tuned!

  • You will have a free studio membership while you are signed up for our teacher training (10 months). If you currently have a membership, it will be paused from the time you sign up until graduation completion. We want you to practice as much as you can with us throughout this journey - come grow and connect within the community!


Kaycie Hall ERYT 500 - Lead Trainer

You will be spending this teacher training in person with Kaycie as your lead trainer. She is passionate about yoga and has been practicing and teaching yoga since 2012. Kaycie loves Vinyasa for the physicality and creativity it allows in the practice and Hatha yoga for its accessibility and class pacing. She equally loves Meditation and teaching mindfulness in the asana practices. She has designed this training to incorporate them all so that you can find what style serves YOU. Kaycie continues to study, travel the world and trust in the process of life and wherever it takes her.


Samantha Wiesner ERYT 500 - Online Trainer

Sam has been teaching since 2013. She has studied with various teachers on her trips to India and believes in the importance of yoga maintaining its roots as it grows worldwide. She is passionate about teaching origin, philosophy, and humanities that encompass the beautiful subtle science of connecting body, mind, spirit. Sam works both as a massage therapist and a yoga instructor and is fascinated by the human anatomy and preventing injury. She is inspired and excited to pass on the knowledge she has acquired over the years to future teachers.


COST: Our costs include an Elevate Teacher Training manual, books, teacher’s time & expertise, workshops, Elevate Assisting Program & certification, a full studio membership through duration of training, training hours and the heart and soul behind it all. This teacher training has been built from scratch with intention.

Teacher Training Options
  • Regular Pricing:

    • $2,600 for all 3 modules & graduation

    • $900 for 1 module at a time

  • Payment Plan: $2800

    • $500 to reserve your space

    • Additional payments will be broken up over the remaining months of module (each module must be paid for in full before completion)

  • Refund Policy: We do not offer refunds for our training. We may be able to transfer your payments towards future dates if needed - one time only.

This training will be limited to 12 students at a time, so please sign up to reserve your spot.

WHY OUR TRAINING: For those looking to either teach vinyasa, hatha or further their practice understanding, this training program will leave you feeling confident and ready to explore that direction. While we will still cover other styles such as Ashtanga and Meditation, Vinyasa will be the primary focus of this training. We strive to provide you with the best experience possible. There will be lots of emphasis on anatomical alignment, sequencing, modifications, assists, cueing, creative expression, and how to read the energy of a room along with the philosophy and history of yoga. We also include our Elevate Assisting Program and certification in this teacher training, so each trainer will learn and be tested out for hands on assists. We've created our own content for our teacher training binders with all the necessary information and include books in our training to make sure you can receive the best education possible in 200 hours.

TRANSFORM: Aside from the teaching aspect, there is a whole lot of heart behind this training. It was created with the intention to not only share yoga with the community but to help make a positive difference in this world. It is more than needing to learn a yoga pose - it is about learning a lifestyle of awareness and inner growth - a true transformation! Expect deep internal work and group connection - we will become very close with each other over the course of this training. We will fall back on each other for help and support along the way. We will strengthen our practices and our abilities to teach and lead others. We will get to know Vinyasa inside and out. We will seek our edges and surrender - shining light on the shadowed areas of our life where we can learn and grow. We will build connection and lasting friendships. 

WHAT TO EXPECT: We will cover different topics each training weekend to build a solid foundation towards becoming a Vinyasa yoga instructor. We will spend a lot of time practice teaching with our fellow teacher trainers while providing feedback to help grow into knowledgable and skillful instructors. There will be reading and homework assignments outside of the training hours to help stay focused and inspired on this journey towards becoming a certified teacher. We will also use a closed Facebook group to connect and share with one another throughout this training, so be sure you have an active account. This program was designed to help you knock down your walls and to learn what it takes to live, breathe and teach yoga. Step into transformation.

If you have any specific questions in regards to our teacher training program, please send us an email and we will get back to you asap:
