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Let's Get Weird : A Wellness Circuit Event

Are you interested in having your Tarot read by a trained professional? Are you yet to be exposed to the therapeutic value of vibrational therapy? Would you like to feel lighter and energetically refreshed through the application of the art of Reiki? Have you heard the term “Chakra” but don’t know what in the heck in means or how they are working within you? Are you interested in ceremonial herbs and teas? Sorry, no we aren’t referring to cannabis but these delightful herbs are sure to put your nerves at ease.

Now what if I told said that you could enjoy all of those things in one place, for one price here at the studio. Would you be interested?

If the answer is yes then please join us on Sunday February 21st from 4-6pm and lets get weird!

Our dear friend Jake and his wonderful partner Sandra have managed to assemble an amazing collection of individuals, each of whom are highly skilled in their profession and are looking to share their unique talents with you. Every person in attendance will receive approximately ten minutes with each individual practitioner to experience their modality first hand. The event will begin with a brief introduction period which will be followed by the setting of our collective and personal intentions for the evening. Then we will get to work! During the times that you are not personally receiving attention from one of the practitioners you will have the opportunity to check out some of the others amazing products and services that these individuals offer so maybe think about bringing a few extra bucks just in case something one of kind catches your eye. After everyone has completed each aspect of the offering we will conclude the event with a beautiful guided group meditation in hopes of harnessing our collective energy and sending it out to the world. Following the conclusion of the actual event a “open house” period will take place in case anyone would like further time with a certain individual, to answer any questions, to book future appointments or purchase cool stuff. To ensure the safety of everyone and respect social distancing guidelines we ask that you bring your own blankets and pillows from home in order to build yourself a cozy little nest. Each person will also receive a parting raffle prize to take home curtsy of Earth Mother Holistics.

In order to make sure that each practitioner in compensated fairly for their generous offering we are asking for a donation of $30 for this event and is limited to 10 guests - $25 for members.