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8 Week Yoga Nidra Immersion: Free Yourself of Everything That Isn’t You


Yoga Nidra is a conscious relaxation meditation and self-inquiry practice. As you rotate your awareness throughout your body and mind, you settle into the sweet space between sleep and awake - where your deepest and truest self resides and all things are possible.

This 8 week course is designed to uncover and remove anything that is no longer serving you so that you may remember your truth. Each week you’ll be guided through a self-inquiry meditation in which we will explore intentions, purpose, wholeness, body-sensing, breath-sensing, emotions, thoughts, joy, and peace.

The hour long classes will occasionally begin with some gentle movement, restorative and yin yoga postures, and/or breath work before settling into a comfortable position for Yoga Nidra.

Every practice will build upon the previous week. You’ll receive an audio recording of the live class to revisit as many times as you like leading up to the next class. (Recordings will be released on Thursdays)


  • Weekly in person classes

  • Week long access to the audio recording of the class so that you may practice as often as you like in the time leading up to our next session

  • Journal prompts and/or yoga asanas to explore the theme of the week


  • Warm clothing in which you feel comfortable moving, a blanket and/or socks (the body temperature tends to drop as you relax)

  • A journal and pen for any personal notes

  • Blankets and bolsters are not being provided by the studio during this time. It is recommended to bring at least one pillow to support your head and perhaps a second pillow for under your knees to support your low back.


Wednesdays, March 17- May 5, 4-5pm


$144 ($122 for Members)


Amy Cornwell